Google Keyword Ranking

Start Checking Ranks for Free

(Free 14 Day Trial: 100 Free Checks Daily)

How important is high ranking in search engines? Very important, we’d say. If you want to be on top of your field and be seen by thousands of potential customers a day, you need to get on the first page of search results by your particular keyword or phrase. Unless you stay in at least the first ten, you have less chances to attract customers. Not many people look past the first page in search results, unfortunately.

How do you get to the top 10? First and foremost, you need to know where you are at Google at the moment, in order to get higher. You can learn this with AntRanks, we provide full information about search engine rankings and monitor your results every day. We collect thorough statistics and analyse your data and tell you where you are and how your Google keyword ranking has improved or declined over the course of time. When you have the full info in your hands, you can think of a good strategy to reach the top 10 in Google (or any other search engine for that matter).

control Google keyword ranking

Complete Control

Monitor your rankings every day automatically, come back only to check the progress and
get precise information.

Adaptable Rank Checking Parameters

Customize the settings, decide which search engine, which locations, what language you need the search engine results in and adapt the settings according
to your needs.

rank checking parameters
convenient analytics

Self-explanatory Analytics

Look at the graphs and diagrams and immediately see where you stand and how your overall position has changed.


Leading Search Engine

Learn where you stand in Google.

main search engines

Mobile, Tablet and Desktop
Rank Tracking

Desktop, Mobile and Tablet devices are available.
Track rankings more accurately.

devices list

Scheduled reports

Accurate website rankings delivered
daily, weekly or monthly to the email you specify.

scheduled reports

All Search Engine Countries

Select any country a search engine supports and
track your rankings precisely:
231 countries in Google, 29 in Bing, 93 in Yahoo.

full search countries list

Maximum Search Engine Languages

Get accurate rankings in 141 languages in Google,
49 in Bing and 15 in Yahoo.

full search languages list

100 Search Results Saved
for Each Check

100 search results are saved with each check, we can send a screenshot as proof of our reliability upon request.

100 keyword rankings results saved

2 Week Trial for Free:
100 Checks Daily

2 week trial period allows using the service for
free to evaluate and make the decision
to continue or discontinue the subscription.

100 checks for free daily

As Many Competitors As You Need

No need to add competitors as separate projects,
the system detects their rankings automatically,
you can add as many competitors as you want.

maximum competitors

Limitless Projects Number

No maximum number of projects,
store as many as you need.

maximum projects

Unlimited Shared Access Users

Show the results of your work to your colleagues,
let them participate and work on the projects with you.

max shared access users

List of 100 Competitors for a Project

Check out a full list of your website’s top 100 competitors (updated every day) and see their distribution in
top search results.

100 competitors

List of All URLs for Each Competitor

Learn all about your competitors’ exact URLs and their distribution in top search results.

All URLs of competitors

Analytical Widgets of 6 Different Types

Put your data in good order, maximize
the visualisation of your Google keyword rankings.

keyword rankings analytics

White Label Logo&Name

Put your own logo and name on the account and
receive more personalized reports.

personal white label

Simple pricing for everybody

Free Trial


USD/14 days

  • 100 checks daily
    1 check — 1 keyword ranking check in 1 search engine from 1 geolocation, from 1 device, in 1 search engine language
  • Google
    Search engines available for rank tracking
  • Desktop
    Device types that can be used to check rankings in search engines
  • Unlimited geolocations
    Rankings can be checked from any number of geolocations
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited competitors
    Add any number of competitors and compare your rankings
  • Unlimited users
    Share your projects with other users, show them to your colleagues
  • TOP100 Competitors
    Get a TOP100 list of your competitors and analyze their search engine presence (updated every day), see how it works
  • TOP5 Competitors URLs
    Extract and analyze exact URLs of your competitors’ domains (updated every day), see how it works





  • 700 checks daily
  • Google
  • Desktop
  • Unlimited geolocations
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited competitors
  • Unlimited users
  • TOP100 Competitors
  • TOP10 Competitors URLs





  • 2 000 checks daily
  • Google
  • Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
  • Unlimited geolocations
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited competitors
  • Unlimited users
  • TOP100 Competitors
  • TOP20 Competitors URLs
  • API access





  • 5 000 checks daily
  • Google
  • Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
  • Unlimited geolocations
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited competitors
  • Unlimited users
  • TOP100 Competitors
  • TOP100 Competitors URLs
  • API access


Need more than 5 000 checks? Send a request and we'll make you a personal offer.

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